Filming Settings For Slow Motion

1.Standard FPS.

-The Standard Frame rate for filming should be 24 frames per second.

-To film is Slow motion set the frame rate to a value higher than 24 FPS.

2.Shutter Speed.

-Shutter Speed affects motion blur.Filming is slow motion requiers less motion blur since the image are beign shown for longer.

-For the best filming settings,the denomiator of your shutter speed should be double your frame rate.

-Increasing your shutter speed will result in a darker image because it will let in less light.

3.Aperture  & ISO.

-Changing the shutter speed is not ideal for filming in dimlly lit spaces so open up the aperture of your camera or increase your ISO to compensate.

-But remeber that opneing up the aperture makes the image harder to focas and incereasing the ISO adds more noise.